Coopervision commercials


The CooperVision story

Coopervision commercials


The CooperVision story

Commercial film case study

Why is it important to involve the filmmakers in the creative process of a commercial? Mainly because this way the production company can tailor the concept to the budget, thereby creating a commercial effectively for a more reasonable price, or produce more spots within one single project. In the latter case, the specific cost for one commercial can be even lower. This is what happened with the contact lens manufacturer, Coopervision. Our Partner was seeking cost-effective solutions for producing 5 commercial spots. We made the stories in line with production planning. We had a concept of shooting all 5 commercials in a flat interior, which we accomplished in one day. Five different segments of the same flat were the locations for each commercial. There was a Christmas spot, a New Year’s party, a funny cleaning film, a morning wake-up in the bedroom and the bathroom, and an elegant glamour commercial about inserting the lens. While one commercial was being shot, the set decorators were building the new set for the next one. This is how we managed to minimalize the shooting part of the budget.


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